What you need to prepare before climbing Mount Kinabalu.

what you need to prepare?

What to put in your own bagpack?
2.Energy Bar(2)
3.Walking stick
4.1.5liters water(dont throw away the bottle.Youu can refill boiled water for free at Laban Rata
5.Sweets(helps to sweeten the boring climb)
6.Camera(a good one)
7.Buff(soaks the sweat,keeps the ears warm and the hair in place)
8.Lunch(provided by tour operators)
9.Phone(certain areas have connection)

What to let the porter carry?
1.Extra set of warm clothings.
2.Fleece jacket
7.Instant milo
8.Instant heat pads
10.Scarf or warm hat.
12.Muscle ache ointment.
-i wouldnt bother with toothbrush,showering or beauty products.It is important you have a set of dry clothings to change into.Keep all this inside a waterproof bag.

Do some training at least 2 months before the hike.Train especially lunges and the muscles on your calves,around the shin area.
Build your arms muscles
Practice some rope absailing.
I think if i did train all of the above my climb wouuld be much easier and less will breaking.